Historical Archive

The 5 Star Movement for Healthcare

But are we sure that the 5 Star Movement program is enough to change the country (for the better)?

The "strange case" of the 5 Star Movement between the search for identity and the growth of consensus. But how well do we know their program? And above all, are they ready to change our country (for the better)?

The analysis of the "Health" sector is decidedly advanced, with the basic concern that devolution and the increasing entry of private individuals are undermining the foundations of "the universality and homogeneity of the National Health Service". In this sense, there is still a convergence between the claims of the Movement and the latest hypothesis of reform brought about by the Monti Government, in particular as regards the guarantee "of access to essential services of the NHS" and the proportionality "based on the income of the ticket for non-essential services". However, it is clear that the Movement is pushing itself into this field with radical claims, such as the "medical prescription of the active ingredients instead of the brands of the individual specialties (as happens, for example, in Great Britain)", the prohibition to scientific representatives of economic incentives on the sale of drugs, up to the use of online for reservations, waiting lists and in general to ensure transparency and fairness. In truth, it must be said that some claims have long been at the center of the agenda of the Regions, above all the Tuscany Region which, for example, has already resolved on "alignment with other European countries and with the directives of the World Health Organization (WHO) in the fight against pain, in particular for the use of opiates (morphine and similar)” and is at the forefront of online access to services. However, any reference to figures, numbers and balance sheets is completely missing.

MAY 18, 2012 FANPAGE



All scientific hoaxes by Beppe Grillo

The leader of the 5-star movement has said many things, especially in ca

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