Historical Archive

In a work promoted by AIFA the fascinating history of the drug



A compelling story that unfolds over the centuries marking some of the milestones in human history and scientific progress, deserves to be reconstructed and, why not, narrated as if it were a novel.

It is the story of the discovery and evolution of medicines, to which Prof. Luciano Caprino has dedicated the volume "The drug 7000 years of history" (Armando Editore, 2011 – prefaces by Prof. Sergio Pecorelli and Prof. Guido Rasi) promoted by AIFA and presented in recent days in Rome at the Nobile Collegio Chimico Farmaceutico.

It is – as observed by the participants – the first bilingual work (Italian/English) which systematically traces the evolution of drugs and pharmacology from its origins to the present day, with an open window on the challenges of the future.

The precious volume, 287 pages enriched by a rich bibliography and a useful analytical index but, above all, by anecdotes and suggestive illustrations, was inaugurated by the Director General of AIFA, Prof. Luca Pani.

In thanking the author, Prof. Pani underlined the importance of the contribution that AIFA wanted to deliver to Pharmacology, to sector operators and, more generally, to all those who love the history of man and scientific progress.

"Those who do not remember their past are doomed to repeat it," said Prof. Pani, quoting Critical Rationalist writer and philosopher George Santayana. «Works like this – added the Director General of AIFA – remind us that our knowledge has its roots in human history, and that certain values, such as solidarity and assistance to the sick, are part of an ancient and inescapable baggage that

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