Clearer relationships with doctors. Italian doctors appreciate the drug industry's effort for greater transparency on the sponsorship of congresses and conferences. But for white coats, all-round rules are needed on the relationship between professionals and pharmaceutical companies. "We are working to define the more comprehensive framework of the issue," said the president of the Federation of Medical Orders (Fnomceo), Amedeo Bianco, which today met the medical unions and the Italian Federation of Scientific Societies (Fism) to define a common position. During today's meeting, the representatives of the medical associations evaluated the document drawn up by Farmindustria on the sponsorship of conferences. Among the proposals of the industrialists, restrictions on congressional initiatives in five-star hotels or exclusive locations and first-class air travel. But also quotas reserved for the participation of young doctors and fewer events to sponsor. "This document from Farmindustria - explained Bianco - confirms the effort of the drug industry in the search for criteria, methods and procedures that lead to greater transparency on the issue and, above all, greater quality". The various trade unions and the IMF have reiterated that the sponsorship of conferences and congresses, despite its delicate importance, is only one of the issues on the table. The industrialists' document "reinforces us - added Bianco - in our determination to continue along a path for the construction of a proposal that addresses, in its entirety, not only the relationship between the medical world and drugs, but also the broader one that includes technology producers, institutions, regulatory bodies, taking into account the principles of the medical world based on quality, ethical and deontological transparency, the effectiveness of research on drugs and biomedical aids". From Doctornews 05-04-07