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In 2025 more than one in three workers will probably be between the ages of 55 and 65 Those who are 50 today and live in the company often remain on the sidelines of development programmes. However, the situation is changing and in the face of the estimate according to which in 2025 more than one in three workers will be between the ages of 55 and 65, medium/long-term career management policies are starting to be developed. According to the Adecco foundation, to monitor the phenomenon, five parameters must be combined: continuous training, career management, knowledge management, diversity management and medical-health assistance.

For Poste Italiane, dealing with seniors was a clear necessity in the transition to a joint-stock company, when the company went through a major organizational restructuring. As a result of a recent research developed by Towers Perrin. A restructuring that required important training interventions to realign the skills of the employees, the 50% with more than 47 years, and to develop different professional profiles more oriented towards customer needs.

The "senior knot" has also reached the Italian Boeringher, invited to dwell on the issue by the German parent company. And thus the evidence of a population that in a few years will be biased towards the over 50s was clear. To manage the situation, a significantly simple operation was carried out: the reference to age was deleted from the personnel management databases.

Finmeccanica also focuses on training, regardless of age, which does not set age limits in promotions: the appointment as manager can even reach 50. This "regard" to seniors has profound reasons related to the company's business: the medium-long life cycle of its product requires an equal time horizon in the management and development of employees. Thanks to the increased skills, there are also no obstacles to international career prospects.

Tenaris favors ad personam interventions based on an analysis of performance and skills. And it is this attention to know-how, which is the reason why the "elderly" continue to be the subject of development plans.

Incentivize seniors with ad hoc policies and interventions IBM, whose 24% of employees are over 50. «For us, seniority is a value that we recognize through formal and informal actions comments Giuseppe Nicoletti, Human Resources manager . In our classrooms we create mixed groups of seniors and juniors because we believe that generational exchange is fundamental, while we have an interesting mentoring program to encourage the transfer of skills from the more experienced to the younger ones. Furthermore, to meet the need for flexibility we have developed part

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