Today Italian healthcare stops. The 24-hour national strike by the medical, veterinary, health and administrative managers of the NHS will in fact cause the suspension of 40,000 surgeries, hundreds of thousands of specialist visits and diagnostic services, and the blocking of all veterinary activity connected to food control. To illustrate the picture are the unions of managers who work within the National Health Service. We are forced to resort to strikes in the face of health policy choices that show indifference to the value of the work that health professionals are called to carry out in increasingly difficult conditions. The shortage of 30 thousand doctors in the next 4 years and the dismissal of half of the precarious workers engaged in fundamental activities starting from the emergency room will be reflected in a qualitative and quantitative fall in the services provided, with waiting lists destined to be measured in semesters. The note is signed by Anaao Assomed; Cimo-Asmd; Aaroi-Emac; Fp Cgil doctors; fvm; Fassid; fesmed; Anpo-Ascoti; medical vials; Sds Snabi; Aupi; sinaphus; Healthcare provider; Sidirss.
Radiologists, no changes at risk performance
"If the maneuver is not changed, it will be really difficult, if not impossible, to guarantee the provision of services at current levels". These are the words of Francesco Lucà, secretary of the National Union of Radiologists and Fassid coordinator, according to whom "between the retirement of many colleagues, the lack of turnover due to the blockage of turnover and the cutting of precarious workers, departments that are already barely surviving, will have to face an enormous workload with few units". «As a Federation of services - underlines Lucà in a note - we feel even more touched by the economic maneuver precisely because we represent departments such as radiology, laboratories, emergency rooms, hospital pharmacies and psychology units where the personnel situation is already critical. If we then consider that, again thanks to the manoeuvre, it will not be possible to increase ancillary salary items, such as overtime, we can understand that making the departments work will be a truly desperate undertaking". For Lucà, doctors are asked to «work even harder without being paid for this additional effort. But such a request - he concludes - in service medicine, where we are already reduced to the bone and we go ahead with the precarious situation, really seems to us to be a lack of respect for the category".