It's called "Pillole dal Mondo", the initiative 'branded' Aifa (Italian Medicines Agency) designed for general practitioners: daily information on the international regulatory framework taken from the news disseminated on the main sites of the competent Authorities around the world, published on the website of the Italian Medicines Agency www.agenziafarmaco.gov.it). The goal, explains the director general of Aifa, Luca Pani illustrating the service on the web, "is to guarantee complete and independent information on the one hand, and on the other to strengthen the direct relationship with you" general practitioners. To receive the "Pills from the World" and to report comments and proposals, registration is required using the "Registration and suggestions" form. "In this regard – continues Pani – I invite you to send us any comments and proposals and to spread the report to your colleagues". Users registered in the section dedicated to the MMG of the Aifa website "will be sent an email notification of the publication of a new update", concludes Pani.
May 29, 2012 – PharmaKronos