Historical Archive

PHARMACEUTICAL PRESS REVIEW from 10 to 12 June of AboutPharma

Press Review from 10/06/08 to the 12/06/08 

The inspectors arrive at Santa Rita in Milan

(Il Sole 24 Ore: page 6, Il Messaggero: page 15, the Milan Republic: p. I, the Republic: p. 4, Corriere della Sera: p. 9, Corriere della Sera Milan: p. 1 – 12 June 2008)

The Government has sent 2 inspectors to the Santa Rita Clinic in Milan. Meanwhile, the investigation led to the arrest of 13 doctors and the owner of the clinic Francesco Paolo Pipitone, accused of a 2.5 million euro scam on the NHS. Among the suspects, the Head Doctor and the 2 Thoracic Surgery assistants, who will have to answer for 88 cases of very serious injuries and 5 voluntary homicides aggravated by cruelty. The suspicious deaths have meanwhile risen to 13. LThe Order of Milan has suspended all the doctors involved in the investigation and 2 others from the Turro Clinic of San Raffaele. Other clinics are also targeted by the public prosecutor's office: the San Giuseppe hospital in Milan, the San Pio X nursing home, the San Carlo and the San Raffaele.



"Clinics, we change course"

(Il Sole 24 Ore: page 6 – 12 June 2008)

The Ministry of Welfare changes the rules governing the public-private relationship in the NHS. The news will concern the entire system, with measures to be taken in agreement with the Regions. Above all, the focus will be on the 'quality of the services provided' and a sweeping action of 'synergistic, transparent and efficient' controls will be carried out.




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