Samuel Hahnemann, inventor of homeopathy towards the end of the 18th century.
A bipartisan support group for homeopathy is born in the Senate, which aims to put an end to "discrimination" with respect to traditional medicines. Among the signatories of the motion that gave birth to the group are Francesco Rutelli (Api), Fabio Rizzi, Northern League group leader in the Health Commission, Mario Baldassarri of Fli, Laura Bianconi of the Pdl, Mariapia Garavaglia of the Pd and Helga Thaler Ausserhofer of the Valdotaine Union. The motion aims to draw attention to the delays in the application of the European legislation on the matter. The European directive on medicines - it should be remembered - implemented by Italy with legislative decree 219/2006 harmonises the pharmaceutical market throughout the EU, but in Italy there is still a lack of concrete implementation of the articles referring to homeopathic medicines and anomalies remain that damage the Italian market, industry and patients. Cristiana Muscardini, MEP of the PDL, who in a question presented to the European Commission in March 2010 asked for an acceleration of the process of harmonization of the rules, comments positively on the recent news of the creation of the group. In fact, senators from all sides have underlined the discrimination that exists in Italy between traditional and homeopathic medicines. «To the question» recalls Muscardini «commissioner John Dalli replied that the Commission would re-examine the situation to verify whether Italy had correctly applied the rules in question and in particular the simplified registration procedure for homeopathic medicines. It is nice to know "continues" that Italian politics finally is also taking into account the necessity expressed by Europe, however, it amazes the fact that the impossibility for Italians persists to be able to choose the way in which to take care, given that the drug agency continues to ignore the European regulation, requiring additional requirements for the marketing of homeopathic products and creating serious obstacles to a sector that is the third in Europe, with millions of citizens, with millions of citizens. turnover of around 300 million euros ".
17 January 2012 – Pharmacist33
Ed.: we remind you that Legislative Decree 219/06 establishes:
TOrt. 16.
Simplified registration procedure
1. A homeopathic medicinal product is subject, for the purpose of placing it on the market, to a simplified registration procedure, only if