
Senate. Exodus survey. Questionnaire of the Exodus Subcommittee

Exodus Subcommittee - Questionnaire for the survey of people close to retirement and left unemployed following the resolution of the relationship prior to 1 January 2012

11th Standing Committee (Labour, Social Security)

Senatrice ParenteFirst of all, I would like to welcome those who enter this page: my welcome and that of all the colleagues who have been designated to be part of the Subcommittee that deals with the phenomenon of the so-called "exodus".

How and why was this Subcommittee born?

The need to address these issues has emerged on several occasions in the Labor and Social Security Commission of the Senate. In particular, on the occasion of the examination of the latest "safeguard" provision, the Government accepted an agenda which provides, among other things, for an in-depth investigation by the Commission aimed at determining the residual cases of exodus persons worthy of safeguard. Hence the decision of the President of the Commission, Senator Sacconi, to entrust this task of analysis and study to a specific Sub-Commission: a sign of particular attention and awareness, therefore, of the specific and delicate relevance of the problem.

Senato della Repubblica - Giunte e Commissioni ParlamentariSince its establishment, the Subcommittee has shared one way bipartisan the initiative to prepare a survey of an informative nature intended for interested users, through the survey form that I am pleased to present to you.

We are all aware of the drama of those who are waiting to receive their pension payment at the end of their working career: a problem that invests and conditions the destinies of those people and their families.

This is the purpose for which we are therefore working: to arrive at a concrete solution to a question that can no longer remain open. But we also know that, in order to arrive at the result we are proposing, we must first of all define the numerical consistency of the people involved as precisely as possible.

I think the most important word is just “people”: the survey that we have formulated and that you will find in the following pages is aimed at people, intended as single individuals, with their own professional baggage, their respective legal situations and their own needs and expectations related to access to a right deriving from years and years of work . We therefore address the individual, who, by providing us with data regarding their individual situation, will allow us to have a definite picture of the situation, even where it is peculiar, and then prepare the necessary measures to resolve the problem of the "displaced persons" in the most satisfactory way and, we hope, definitive. The desire of all of us is to take action, legislative action, intervening once and for all in a clear and definitive way.

By compiling this survey, you will therefore help us to identify the most suitable measures to meet your expectations.

It is a delicate mission, an objective that we will be able to achieve all the more quickly and effectively the greater your membership.

My thanks go to ISTAT, which, thanks to the particular sensitivity of its President, prof. Alleva, ensured valuable methodological and operational support.

But a thank you, on behalf of all the senators of the Subcommittee that I have the task of coordinating and of the entire Senate Labor Commission, goes above all to all of you, who with your answers will provide us with that precious data base for to be able to operate and therefore to give the sign of good politics.

sen. Anna Maria Parente
President of the Exodus Sub-Commission

Go to the Questionnaire

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