The theses of hospital pharmacists on the structural dynamics of H-level pharmaceutical expenditure do not entirely convince family doctors, who continue to find the reasons why the territory remains the Cinderella of pharmacological innovation incomprehensible. «I remember the case of the new generation antidiabetics» comments Saffi Ettore Giustini, head of the drug area of Simg «two years ago they were assigned to the specialist level with the justification that very close monitoring of their use was needed. The monitoring is over, we await the official data but in the meantime primary care complains of a cultural gap on an entire generation of drugs". Finally, Giustini confirms the idea that for the government of pharmaceutical expenditure as a whole, a homogeneous observation and analysis system between hospital and territory would be needed, something that is lacking today. «I'll give the example of Tuscany: 3.7% of patients consume 26.9% of regional spending and 20% of the packages dispensed. Most of these are people affected by high-cost pathologies, which are the responsibility of the hospital. We know nothing about this slice of expenditure, while family medicine is tormented by obsessive monitoring. How much appropriateness is there in these treatments? How much health is produced with these therapeutic choices and how much would be produced – and at what cost – with alternative strategies, which perhaps involve primary care? Currently, there are no analytics tools that allow you to answer these types of questions. If not for the territory ».
DoctorNews – 17 May 2010 – Year 8, Number 88
[Editor's note: perhaps scientific information would be useful]