Historical Archive

Global Hyperactivity Syndrome

 BERKELEY (California) – Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a phenomenon that once seemed only American, seems to be spreading more and more even outside the confines of the "New World". Or at least its diagnosis and the use of drugs for its treatment is increasing worldwide. A study by the Californian Kaiser Permanente Medical Center indicates that from 1993 to 2003 the use of medicines to treat this psychiatric disorder - which mainly affects children and adolescents with symptoms such as lack of attention, difficulty concentrating and memorizing, hyperactivity, in some cases even aggression – has more than tripled worldwide. France, Sweden, Korea and Japan are the countries with the sharpest increase in cases.
NOT ONLY AMERICA – «Many people argue that it is an American problem and that in the USA there is an abuse in the prescription of drugs – comments Peter Levine, the pediatrician who heads the group that carried out this international study – Our research shows instead that others Countries are having the same problem." Indeed, it is true that for years this ailment has been associated with the stars and stripes society and lifestyle. In fact, between 5 and 8 percent of American children are diagnosed with this syndrome, which is the leading childhood disorder in the United States. A disease that generates a worldwide turnover of about 2-3 billion dollars, and which has been clinically defined above all by US psychiatrists and pediatricians.
VOICES AGAINST – Another source of controversy is the fact that the main treatment for this disorder in the USA is mainly pharmacological, with amphetamine-type medicines. For this reason, initiatives such as "Hands off children" have arisen in Italy, a campaign promoted by various non-profit organizations to treat children's problems with more caution. "It is a real trend - they write on the site - to "file" restless and undisciplined children as "mentally ill": they are rebellious, they "create problems", and the drug apparently becomes the best way to keep them at bay".
Carola Frediani
From Corrirere della sera 08-03-07

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