Generic drugs The maxi-amendment. The new article 15 (health).
The maxi-amendment modifies the amendment of the Budget Commission. Here is the new text: "A doctor who treats a patient, for the first time, for a chronic pathology, or for a new episode of non-chronic pathology, for the treatment of which more equivalent medicines are available, is required to indicate in the prescription of the National Health Service the sole name of the active ingredient contained in the drug. The doctor has the right to indicate the name of a specific medicine based on the same active ingredient; this indication is binding for the pharmacist where it is included, accompanied by a summary motivation, the non-substitutability clause referred to in article 11, paragraph 12 of the decree-law of 24 January 2012, n. 1, converted with amendments by the law of 24 March 2012, n. 27. The pharmacist in any case complies with the provisions by the aforementioned article 11, paragraph 12.".