The new GBI Research report on the Indian pharmaceutical market offers an in-depth analysis of the issues, trends and challenges of the pharmaceutical market in India that is increased from $8.4 billion in 2006 to $14.1 billion in 2011, and is expected to grow further as multinational enterprises (MNCs) prepare to enter the market. Although pharmaceutical giants such as GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) have been in the market for years, the rise of middle-class income, changing patent laws, the cost of skilled labor that is affordable in infrastructure, have attracted other multinationals. With the current scenario, the pharmaceutical business is expected to grow at an annual rate (CAGR) of 12-13% expected for the 2011-2018 period. The spread of Branded generics are expected to rise as many companies are planning to launch their drugs after patent expiration while theIndian pharmaceutical industry is undergoing strategic consolidations with the aim of emerging as a highly organized sector. With the influx of multinational companies with R&D the sector will continue to experience a trend of M&A. Deals and acquisitions are expected to continue and the Government of India has implemented various initiatives to increase insurance coverage and reduce healthcare costs, such as the
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