Board composed of the President Dr. Danese, Vice President Dr. Fangio, secretary Dr.ssa D'Antonio, treasurer Dr. Marini and 7 councilors
REGION - Wednesday October 28thsection was formed AIISF Abruzzo federated FEDAIISF ( Federation of Pharmaceutical and Parapharmaceutical Scientific Representatives ). During the meeting, held remotely, the board was elected, composed of the President Dr. Danish Francis, Vice President Dr. Fangio Enzo, secretary to Drssa D'Antonio Roberta and treasurer Dr. Marini Charles, supported by seven councilors representing the 4 provinces of Abruzzo.
The association will represent all the Scientific Representatives who will recognize themselves in a common project of growth and sharing of ethics and professionalism. The main purposes of AIISF ABRUZZO are the collaboration and comparison with doctors and their associations, institutions and social-health structures so that the scientific information of the drug is aimed at the interest of the community and of the patients.
There figure of the ISF was born with the NHS and brings together professionals with degrees in scientific disciplines who aim to promote the safe and appropriate use of medicines based on scientific evidence (EBM), to protect patients.
The capillary and organized presence of AISF Abruzzo throughout the region will allow it to become a point of reference also for health institutions which will be able to have, for example, important support for prevention and health promotion initiatives. Initiatives for which maximum availability will be given to find an agreement to seal a fruitful collaboration.