Historical Archive

Statistical yearbook 2009. Data on health and industry

L'Istat publishes some data on the Italian Statistical Yearbook 2009. For example with regard to health in 2009, 38.8% of residents in Italy stated that they were affected by at least one of the main chronic pathologies, but this percentage rose to 86.9% for those over seventy-five. The most common chronic diseases are osteoarthritis/arthritis (17.8%), hypertension (15.8%), allergic diseases (10.2%), osteoporosis (7.3%), chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma (6,2%) and diabetes (4,8%).

In 2006 there were about 46,000 general practitioners present on the national territory, 8 for every 10,000 inhabitants. There are around 7,500 pediatric doctors, or 9 for every 10,000 children up to 14 years of age. There are about 17 outpatient clinics and public and private laboratories for every 100,000 inhabitants, a slight decrease since 2004.
The turnover of Italian industry returns to growth. In September - reports Istat - sales grew by 2.3% over August, the best figure since June 2008. Compared to September 2008 there is a drop of 17.4%. The cyclical increase in turnover was mainly due to the foreign component. Orders in September increased by 5.2% compared to August, the highest figure since January 2008, while they fell by 20.4% compared to September 2008.

In 2008 industrial activity recorded a decrease of 3.1% compared to the previous year (+0.5% in 2007). At the sectoral level, positive results are recorded for the production of pharmaceutical products (+2%), electricity and gas and other manufacturing industries (both +0.7%); negative were those of mineral extraction (-8.3%), of the manufacture of computers, electronic and optical products and of electrical and non-electrical appliances for domestic use (both -7.9%) and finally of chemical products (- 6.7%).
Yearbook 2009

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