The Italian Medicines Agency (Aifa) published on its institutional portal on Wednesday (www.agenziafarmaco.gov.it) an invitation to all public and private subjects capable of designing and calculating indicators of appropriateness to provide its contribution to the drafting of the next report of the Observatory on the use of medicines in Italy (OsMed). In particular, with a view to identifying new descriptive indicators on the use of medicines, the Agency is interested in experiences of a local and/or regional nature which can be extended to a national level and in the ability to elaborate indicators of appropriateness based on the analysis of the deviation of prescribing behaviors in clinical practice and, more specifically, of the treatment process of the individual patient with respect to predefined therapeutic standards and/or regulatory guidelines. Interested parties must submit an application form to AIFA (aifa@aifa.mailcert.it) including a brief description of the characteristics of the contribution and of the platform and/or of the electronic information language to be provided. The deadline for submitting the application is 28 March 2013, at 12. The sending of the application form implies acceptance of the selection procedure adopted by the Agency. Aifa will evaluate the material received and will inform the subjects whose contributions will be deemed of interest, notifying them and publishing the list of selected subjects on its website. Participation in the drafting of the OsMed report will involve sharing the responsibility for the analyzes and published contents, as far as their respective competences are concerned, as well as the authorship of the report itself and will in any case be provided free of charge.
February 22, 2013 – DoctorNews