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Bologna godmother of the pharmacy of services


«The future of Pharmacy in Italy, a modern health facility or drugstore?» the round table that opens the first National Conference of Territorial Pharmacists on 10 September "summarizes the message of the conference". And it could only be Bologna to host it since here, more than 15 years ago, the first model of Pharmacy of Services was undertaken, today law, with law 69 "on new services in Pharmacy" launched by the current government. He underlines this at the press conference to present the event, Achille Gallina Toschi, president of Federfarma Bologna. "The drugstore risk for the pharmacy reality is tangible, but our hope is to make the Pharmacy universe increasingly linked to the NHS as a service reality for the citizen". The Bologna event offers the opportunity to launch this new pharmacy model, rooting it more and more within the NHS. A concept also reiterated by George Molossi, vice president of Federfarma Emilia Romagna who underlines how pharmacies can be an excellent tool for rationalizing health care spending. «Today it is appropriate that we proceed even more expeditiously in this direction if we want to save the Pharmacy, first of all for the citizen. Ensuring full health care in a universal sense entails currently unsustainable expenses, while the capillary territorial network of pharmacies represents a formidable tool to guarantee the citizen ever more and better public health care that is more accessible, closer and at affordable costs. ». It's up to Lambert Riguzzi, which coordinates the scientific board, try to summarize the contents of the Conference, characterized by a tight program of lectures, seminars, debates and CME events. Three aspects highlighted by Riguzzi: «To start with the topic of drugs and phytovigilance. In fact, who better than the pharmacist can have a surveillance and monitoring role, with respect to the errors that the patient may make? Then the much debated aspect of medicines on the internet, cyberchondria and the related health webmarket will have a dedicated session. Finally, the issue of vaccinations is also significant, with the presence of Fabrizio Pregliasco. The congress is a great showcase» concludes Riguzzi «and an opportunity to get to know the work of the local pharmacist».

by Marco Malagutti – 8 September 2010 – Year 6, Number 149




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