The Government team was completed with the appointment of deputy ministers and undersecretaries. Adelfio Elio Cardinale, born in Palermo in 1940, who was a pupil and successor of Pietro Cignolini, an internationally renowned radiologist, goes to the Ministry of Health. Since 2001 he has been dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Palermo and since 2008 he has been vice-president of the Higher Institute of Health and president of the regional health commission for clinical risk in Sicily. He has presided over Cerisdi since 2009, a position reconfirmed in 2011. An appointment that the medical world likes, especially the national union of radiologists, which hopes that "belonging to the same world can form a basis for a collaboration that will allow for the resolution of all the problems affecting health". Claudio De Vincenti, member of the Aifa board of directors, was appointed as undersecretary for economic development.
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