First floor

Fedaiisf at the Snami National Congress 2014

The Snami 2014 National Congress was held in the setting of the Sheraton Hotel in Rome.

Very interesting the report of the President Dr. Testa, critical of a system that can "only give birth to worse health care than the current one".

Clear reference to Balduzzi law, which “between cuts, resources and lack of clarity on the single role it could lead to conflict between doctors, worsening health care and rising costs. Resist – concludes the President – it means realizing that we are surrounded by scandalous things, which must be fought vigorously.

It means refusing to indulge in a situation, which could be accepted as unfortunately significant."

In the part dedicated to the scientific update, one was highlighted meta-analysis published in JAMA which showed the therapeutic overlap of generics with brands.

Probable pride of Assogenerici.

The speaker wanted to verify the meta-analysis job by job and was amazed as a large enrolled population was made up of healthy volunteers…..

Finally, as a tradition, there was no lack of some critical intervention.

Lots of constructive criticism.

A Tuscan delegate, if I remember correctly, complained that his work no longer responded to the old professional choices: those, so to speak, which had oriented his sensitivity towards the future.

The doctor is no longer the doctor.

A desire to return to the past to which, emotionally, I cannot fail to associate myself.

They are slowly debasing the profession.

Increasingly bureaucratic doctor who is wanted to make believe that the computer is modernity, that updating can take place through the lights of a television to be given away - perhaps - at the end of a day's work, recipes, visits, phone calls.

To which must be added the sickness certificates to be impeccably transmitted to INPS, as well as the sum of the prescriptions to be sent electronically every evening, to which must be added the respect of the therapeutic plans, which, if not well absorbed, lead to economic remissions.

To which will be added the electronic prescriptions, the ASL update, and the training courses with the relative training credits.

Then add the work on privacy, then the care of the clinic ... from the expensive collection of special waste to mosquito nets, to thermometers outside the refrigerators ... and ... and ...

Now they want depersonalize assistance: interrupting that subtle inner contact made of knowledge, trust between patient and doctor.

They want to eliminate those relationships that have been consolidated for years, they want to remove that clinic they have always known, with its chairs, uncomfortable but loved, the possibility of meeting friendly faces.

None of this.

One would think that one is afraid of the persuasive force of a doctor. 

I hope that this strength will lead to an awareness, not only of SNAMI, but also of FIMMG, SMI and others.

With the usual responsibility.

But with the awareness of being.

Without unity you will be engulfed in the apparatus.

And, sadly, quickly too.


FC – Fedaiisf




Related news: Territorial medicine. Testa (Snami): "The reorganization does not create conflict between doctors"

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