
Corruption in healthcare: from useless drugs to manipulated waiting lists

The drug, bought only because a bribe was paid, is not useful or even worse, harmful, for those who are ill. The Anac led by Cantone: the administrations are improving but there are too many shortcomings in the prevention plans. 

Of Umberto Lucentini

PALERMO. There is the manipulation of waiting lists for an exam – which in addition to allowing illicit enrichment of those who take bribes – causes serious health problems for the patient who gets a check-up late. Or the drug, bought only because a bribe was paid, not useful or even worse, harmful, for the sick.

Here are two of the last frontiers of malfeasance in healthcare in Italy. Controlled waiting lists and counterfeit medicines: these are just two examples, extreme but unfortunately real, put on paper in a dossier by Anac, the National Anti-Corruption Authority chaired by Raffaele Cantone, and carried out in close collaboration with the Ministries of Health and the Economy, and with Agenas, the National Agency for Regional Health Services whose new head of Anti-corruption has been Lucia Borsellino, the former Sicilian regional councilor for Health since 1 September .

The plan for 2015. The document - which updates information, deficiencies, flaws and proposals to combat malfeasance in the public administration and in healthcare - is a dossier that takes a big step forward in the challenge that the National Anti-Corruption Authority has launched against those who take bribes or do business dirty with taxpayers' money.

A monitoring concluded in July 2015, which offers two-sided data: the 96% of entities formally adopted the anti-corruption plans and the 62% «adopted and published the update for the three-year period 2015-2017». But in reality, notes the Anac, "the quality of the 'Corruption prevention plans' is generally unsatisfactory and is influenced by some context variables, such as the type of administrations, their geographical location and organizational size".

Related news: Annual Report to the Parliament of the National Anti-Corruption Authority for the year 2014 presented by the President Raffaele Cantone.
Chamber of Deputies, Sala della Regina, 2 July 2015

Speech by the President of the ANAC. Raffaele Cantone

From public contracts to appointments, here is the anti-corruption plan in healthcare

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