In its report on regional budgets 2010-2011, the Court paid particular attention to healthcare which alone covers 74.5% of regional expenditure. A further drop in spending is expected, which will drop in 2014 to 6.9% of GDP. The deficit also fell (-38%), but the debt to suppliers reached 53 billion.
09 AUG – In its annual relation on the budgets of local authorities for the years 2010-2011, the Court of Auditors underlines how critical issues remain in the control of public expenditure and in the evaluation of the results achieved. Difficulties in controlling expenditure, which according to the Court "are far from finding a complete solution", especially in some areas, also because certain situations have 'built up' over a few decades and it is not reasonable to believe that they can be resolved quickly. But in any case, the Court points out that "an overall look at the general public finance framework shows that the health sector is in a phase in which signs of improvement can be glimpsed". But let's get to the numbers.
Resources: in 2014 the incidence of health expenditure on GDP will drop to 6.9%. Increase your interest expense
The resources committed in 2011 for healthcare, on the basis of the reporting data communicated by the Regions, constitute 74.5% of total current expenditure. According to the Court, the complex health expenditure monitoring system, based on the three-year coordination of resources to be allocated to the NHS and on the periodic verification of management results, with the obligation to sign specific repayment plans in the event of excessive deficits, has proved to be effective in moderating the growth in spending, which rose from an average annual increase of 6% in the 2000/2007 period to 2.4% in the four-year period 2008/2011.
In 2011, in particular, for the first time in years, total expenditure, amounting to approximately 112 billion, decreased by 0.6% compared to the previous year, and the incidence on GDP also decreased, from 7.3% of 2010 to 7.1%. The current expenses shown in the income statement of the public administration (years