Historical Archive

Primary care. The "Balduzzi" reform that will revolutionize territorial assistance

Contracted doctors will be obliged to join, single access to the profession, 24-hour assistance, compensation for a fixed and variable fee and inclusion of the activity in the Lea. How article 8 of 502/92 will change according to the provision being studied by the minister and which we are able to anticipate. here is the text.

18 JUL – After the advent of the new government Monti seemed to have gone by the wayside, but in recent months the work started by the ex Minister Fazio on the reform of conventional relations with local doctors, he went ahead.

And today we are able to anticipate the new draft of the reform of the art.8 of Legislative Decree 502/92 which Minister Balduzzi will most likely include in the announced bill which should also deal with intramoenia, professional liability and the drug supply chain, expected by the end of the summer.

The new text broadly follows the one elaborated by Balduzzi's predecessor, shared at the time by the unions and discussed with the Regions, even if at a first reading the new document integrates even more the principles of article 8 of 502/92 with those contained in the specific national collective agreements.

But let's get to the changes. First of all, doctors are obliged to adhere to the organizational forms provided for by the agreements (Functional Aggregations and Uccp). There is also news on access to the profession, which will be unique and based on qualification rankings. The new integrated organization will then have to guarantee 24-hour assistance. The remuneration of professionals also changes, which will be fixed and variable. Furthermore, the exercise of the free profession is regulated and the activity of local doctors is included in the Lea.

But here are the detailed measures envisaged by the draft modification of article 8 of legislative decree 502/1992:

Obligation to "aggregate"
Doctors must compulsorily adhere to organizational forms, according to models identified by the individual Regions, which are either single-professional (Functional Aggregations) or multi-professional

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