Historical Archive

From Scientific Informers on Facebook

 Ed.: we read and report from Facebook. We express our appreciation for the Colleagues who are committed to safeguarding the category. We note how, once again, ignorance, prejudice and less gifted minds are the masters.


From Scientific Informers on Facebook

Good evening everyone and sorry for the delay with which I make myself heard on our page, but corporate bureaucratic tasks (mandatory FAD), kept me busy until a few minutes ago.

So, let's recap the events of these two hectic days...: thanks to my colleague Filippo Bova, last night, we learn that in the Gazzetta del Sud, p. 27, in the context of an article on the state of health in Calabria, which was also discussed during a recent political conference, a statement attributed to Dr. Francesco Cananzi, identified, among other subjects, also the SCIENTIFIC REPRESENTATIVES operating on our territory, as guilty of favoring the odious practice of healthcare emigration which, as is widely known, subtracts resources from the management of the Calabrian healthcare itself...

This meaningless statement rightly made several colleagues go into a rage who, without hesitation and rightly so, expressed their strong dissent on the subject, both on this page and, through a thematic chat on whatsapp and with text messages. and phone calls.

Given the heavy atmosphere that was mounting and on the basis of a consultation with several colleagues, I decided to go to the source and, this morning, I reached Dr. Cananzi at the ASP outpatient clinic in via Willermin, where he was working . Provided with the offending number of the Gazzetta del Sud, I asked the Doctor if he answered the truth that he had produced the statements quoted at the beginning (although, in my heart, absolutely, having known Dr. Cananzi for years and the relationship he has always had with our category, convinced of the contrary).

The Rheumatologist immediately CATEGORICALLY denied having uttered such nonsense, d

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