Historical Archive

Document of the Centro Studi Federisf


 Prot: 1/01/03

The Florence scandal was once again a reason for the criminalization of the Isf by opera of a misleading press that superficially downloads the responsibility of a management incapable of using the opportunities offered by exclusive rights patents and marketing authorizations reserved for pharmaceuticals and that chases, with increasing frequency, the illicit promotion of drugs in order to increase their use and consumption with serious damage to the health of citizens.

Some newspapers, in fact, have proposed as an informant a manager of a well-known multinational who would have been imposed the “prohibition to exercise the activity drug dissemination business for two months”, blatantly ignoring that the Isf is not a manager, but an employee and, as such, he is prohibited from performing any direct entrepreneurial activity.

Moreover, in the same articles it is stated that prof. "he had made an agreement with the pharmaceutical companies"

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