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Drugs, alcohol and scams: professor of psychiatry suspended from teaching

Scam for one authorization request to carry out an extra-institutional assignment entrusted to him by one pharmaceutical house to study the effects of new antidepressants on sleep. An assignment that, in fact, Serretti had then passed on to a postgraduate, but for which the teacher had pocketed the contribution of the pharmaceutical company [€ 22,000]. 

Bologna, 29 July 2014 – The Rest of the Pug

In the judge's ruling, the "reign of Alessandro Serretti between drugs and alcohol": according to the Public Prosecutor's Office, he would have offered cocaine to trainees

Bologna, 29 July 2014 – A "system based onbelonging to a closed group created by Serretti” which, to strengthen cohesion among the participants, “systematically” organized meetings outside working hours, “imposing its own rules of conduct”. And in these appointments there was a excessive use of alcohol and they were explicit in it sexual approaches towards female students. The meetings served to "stimulate group spirit, but also to manipulate the residents", and those who did not comply with the rules were "excluded from the group and mocked by the professor".

This, according to ithe investigating judge of the Bologna court Rita Chierici, the 'kingdom' created by Alessandro Serretti,Professor of Psychiatry at the Alma Mater, under investigation with thecharges of drug dealing and aggravated fraud and from today suspended for two months (extendable) from teaching and assistance activities in agreement with the Ausl. The request for the precautionary measure was made by the prosecutor Rossella Poggioli, owner of the investigation which could soon end with a possible indictment. The judge based his decision also on the basis of the numerous testimonies collected by the prosecutor and the carabinieri of people who made "logical, coherent, spontaneous, genuine, detailed and free of slanderous intent" statements, and which in some cases mutually coincided .

The interrogation of Serretti was not so convincing, for the investigating judge, heard on July 10, who essentially defended himself by saying that the evidence of his offering drugs to the boys. Serretti said he only faked the offer, showing some sachets packed by him containing detergent and that his intention was to make a name for himself transgressive professor. For Chierici, however, the justification "appears gratuitous and improbable, as well as ethically reprehensible and without logical foundation", given that none of the students has ever shown that they admire, approve and respect these transgressive attitudes for Serretti.

To aggravate the accusatory framework against the teacher there is then an intercept dated October 3, 2013 in which the wife calls him and tells him to take a look on page 18 of the Rest of the Cute. Serretti asks: "Is it our stuff?". And the woman replies: “No, a little…”. That day on page 18 of the Carlino news is given of the arrest of a cocaine dealer and the title of the article is “Bologna pusher taken, many VIPs of the city are trembling”. For the investigating judge, the phone call is proof that Serretti was hanging out "drug environment", not explaining otherwise the interest in the news.

During the interrogation, heard on the spot, Serretti says it was a prank call and that after the rumors of his alleged illegal activity began, his wife and friends called him a 'drug dealer'. For the judge "there is nothing joking about the phone call, which appears far from a joke". Serretti had then in a phonebook the name of a person, associated with the term 'coca'. And with this person, a restaurateur by profession, within five months, he has about 70 telephone contacts. Serretti explains that those contacts were partly restaurant reservations, partly due to the fact that this person had asked him for therapeutic advice, revealing an occasional use of cocaine.

According to the judge, however 70 contacts are not compatible with reservations and it is unlikely that a psychiatrist would write down the term 'coke' next to the name of a patient, however occasional. "The judge's provision is a first recognition of the seriousness of the work carried out by prosecutors and carabinieri", comments the spokesperson for the prosecutor's office, Walter Giovannini. The University also intervenes on the case, which suggests futuredisciplinary measures: “The university administration dutifully proceeds with the application of the disqualification measure, suspending the professor for the period foreseen in the provision. Once the documents have been examined, the University reserves the right to adopt any measures within its competence", he writes in a note.

In addition to the violation of the drug law, a teacher is accused of scam linked to an extra-institutional assignment to a postgraduate. The disputed scam would be “having presented in January 2013 with tricks and deceptions a authorization request to carry out an extra-institutional assignment entrusted to him by one pharmaceutical house to study the effects of new antidepressants on sleep”. A post that, in fact, Serretti had then passed on to a postgraduate, relieved by her parents 'obligation' towards the University, but for which the teacher had pocketed the contribution of the pharmaceutical company.





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