Over 60% of Ecm events in less than a decade. This was revealed by Federcongressi in a meeting held in Milan in recent days, one year after the entry into force of the new regulation. A composite scenario represented by the participants in the congress, including Mario Buscema, Head of CME and medical-scientific events of Federcongressi&eventi, who underlined how «the Providers accredited with the new Regulations are 951 (at 87.1% private individuals), out of a total estimated by the National CME Commission at 2,000. Yesterday there were 17 thousand, definitely too many ». But beyond the reduction of Ecm events, adds Buscema "today, innovative and effective educational formats are favored, and this is a good thing". Hence the medium-long term strategy: the Ecm provider, underlined by Federcongressi, will have to increasingly develop an active role, that is to offer the market original, effective projects calibrated to the real training needs of the learners. It will have to invest in cost-effective technological innovation, improve its organizational model and forge alliances with partners truly capable of adding value.
May 15, 2012 – DoctorNews