Historical Archive

Ecm, the Ministry's proposals

Massed in black and white in a letter to the coordinator of the regional health councilors Enrico Rossi
A State-Regions Agreement to regulate the transitional phase of continuing education, an even urgent provision to redefine the roles of each protagonist within a unitary framework throughout the peninsula, a possible extension of the experimental phase. These are the proposals of the Minister of Health Livia Turco on the future of the national continuing education program in medicine (CME), written in black and white in a letter to the coordinator of the regional health councilors and councilor for the right to health of Tuscany, Enrico Rossi.

"I am sure that there is broad agreement, also on the part of various regional exponents - writes the minister - of the idea of maintaining a unitary design of the CME, even if there are different opinions on the concrete modalities of its implementation". Therefore, "pending a complete definition of the roles of the various institutional actors", Turco proposes to "identify as soon as possible suitable ways to manage the transitional period. The solutions identified could be the subject of a State-Regions agreement, which is a prelude to a legislative instrument, even of urgency, with which to redefine the roles of each protagonist. In the meantime - continues the minister - an extension of the experimental phase could be hypothesized, if this need were also felt at a regional level.
Turco therefore responded promptly to the commissioner's solicitation Reds who signaled in a letter "the state of serious hardship in the Ecm sector, whose experimental program, launched by the State-Regions Conference with the agreement of December 20, 2001, will expire on December 31 of this year". The National Commission for Continuing Education, in fact, has suspended the accreditation of training events since 2 October. At the same time, to complicate the picture, a sentence of the Constitutional Court intervened, which, while recognizing the exclusive tasks of the National Ecm Commission, has given the Regions a decidedly priority role.
“The approaching end of the experimental phase and the impact of the Court's decision on the structural set-up of the CME – Rossi underlined in the letter – are events that have caused strong disorientation both in the operators involved in organizing training events and in healthcare professionals. The former are not able to plan next year's activities; the professionals, particularly those who have followed the program in recent years with considerable financial and time sacrifices, wonder about the usefulness of the commitment made”. From Doctornews 07-11-06

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