Until recently, the two ministers were oriented towards the Pd lists. But after Bersani's stop and the premier's "rise in politics" there is talk of their presence on the lists of the new assembly led by Monti.
02 JAN – According to what was reported by the Turin political information site “The Draft”, Francesco Profumo, current Minister of Education and Renato Balduzzi, Minister of Health, both Piedmontese doc, could lead the regional list of Mario Monti's new political grouping in the next general elections.
Until Bersani stopped the candidacies of Monti's ministers, the two government officials believed they were on the Democratic Party lists.
Now the turning point, again according to these rumors, with their adhesion on the Monti Agenda and the new political adventure of the "professor".
02 January 2013 – Dailyhealthcare.it