Historical Archive

Pharmaceuticals: Rsu Sigma-tau, demonstration in front of the Pomezia company on Saturday

Rome, 13 Dec. – (Adnkronos) – "Crushed by the difficulties of the sector and the total managerial and employer chaos, the Sigma-tau group has announced its intention to lay off about 700 workers. Two research sites, Prassis and Tecnogen, which employ over 100 workers, have already been put into liquidation, while for the Pomezia site, layoffs have been requested with zero hours due to crises for 569 workers". This was communicated by the Unitary Union Representative of Sigma-tau

"The sigma-tau – he continues – has therefore decided to follow the path of the most vulgar cost reduction operations by choosing to cut the most obvious one: the cost of labour. All of this sees us clearly opposed both for the destruction of an Italian heritage of knowledge and technologies created over the years and for the impact that all this could also have on an area already severely affected by the crisis such as that of Pomezia. It is clear in fact that an operation such as the one announced, if it were to go through, involving hundreds of direct workers and heavily also on related industries, it would aggravate the already critical situation of the territory".

"For this reason - he concludes - the RSU of Sigma-tau has called a large demonstration for Saturday 17, at 10.00, starting from the square in front of the company, in which all citizens, political parties, trade union organizations and confederal organizations at all levels are invited to participate who, with their commitment, will be able to help us stop the dismantling of one of the few remaining Italian pharmaceutical companies".

12/13/2011 – 

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