The Carabinieri tell creepy things: «at best, counterfeit medicines do not contain the active ingredient. When it goes wrong, they hide substances that should not be ingested, such as some dyes used in road paints».
Massimo Scaccabarozzi, president of Farmaindustria, is at the forefront of the fight against the trafficking of fake medicines. «Obviously the problem arises when buying on the web, because our companies distribute only through official channels. And the supply chain is monitored upstream and downstream. We collaborate with all the authorities, from the Medicines Agency to Customs, as well as of course with the Nas. Counterfeiting is a business governed by criminal organizations that damages patients twice, not only because if the therapy is not the right one it can produce toxic effects, but also because the drop in turnover caused by the fake market reduces the resources available for research ».
The side effects also affect the manufacturers. Certainly. For our companies, the damage is above all to their image: if one buys a counterfeit product without knowing it and feels bad, then maybe he ends up no longer trusting the original one.
Counterfeiters are increasingly skilled, realizing the "tarot" is complicated. True, the techniques are increasingly sophisticated. However, we have provided the Customs Agency with a database with all the logos, so that they can compare them with those printed on the controlled packages.
Another growing phenomenon is that of thefts. They occur mainly in the transport phase. They stop the truck and raid the products. For our part, we provide all the codes of the stolen games to the Nas, to help them intercept them. The problem is not so much for us, who are insured, but once again for the recipients. Medicines must be stored in very specific environmental conditions, I don't think criminals respect them. An additional danger for those who buy them. Decidedly.
It must be added that not even the illegal laboratories pay attention to the basic hygiene standards. To start production with new machinery, we have