Historical Archive

Farmageddon, the apocalypse in healthcare

Patricia Pasqui
Farmageddon. The last healthy man on Earth
Science Express 2012
72 pages, 9.50 euros


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In the Western world, in the last century, life expectancy has doubled and in Italy, since 2000, the consumption of pills has more than doubled. In Africa, epidemics are advancing, medicine does not arrive, the system denies medicines and hospital facilities.

The north-south gap in the world also persists in access to health care. A show already seen, the scenario is dramatically reversed. Where well-being is widespread, medicine is invasive, it promotes disease and makes marketing on people's skin. Where poverty stagnates and purchasing power is almost zero, medicine is omissive and leaves the poor to their fate because they don't make a profit.

To tell it is farmageddon, distortion of Armageddon, the apocalypse in healthcare, the play written by Tiziana Pasqui for Emergency and now published in pocket format by Scienza Express with a preface by Gino Strada.

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