News fedaiisf

Fedaisf. Established the North West Tuscany Section (Livorno, Lucca, Pisa)

The ISFs of Pisa, Livorno and Lucca met in recent days and unanimously decided to become part of the North West Tuscany interprovincial section of the AIISF, federated with Fedaiisf.

The Board is made up as follows:

President: Anna Passoni

Vice President: Giovanni Lucchesi
Secretary: Simonetta Pilia
Treasurer: Luca Bartoli

Directors: Federico Franco, Elsa Leandri, Andrea Falchi

Arbitrators: Matteo Penco, Alessandro Loffredo, Paolo Marconi

Contacts for Livorno: Federico Franco – for Lucca: Giovanni Lucchesi – for Pisa: Sara D'Alessandro


Our congratulations to Anna and all her colleagues from North West Tuscany who with commitment and passion have managed to revive AIISF. A big thank you also to Stefano Benci, of the Regional Secretariat, for the contribution provided

Redazione Fedaiisf

Promote the cohesion and union of all members to allow a univocal and homogeneous vision of the professional problems inherent in the activity of pharmaceutical sales reps.

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