MONTESILVANO. The first congress of the People's Court of Justice for the Right to Health is held in Montesilvano. 27/10/2012
The national body of FederAnziani is responsible for protecting citizens' right to health, where around 3,000 delegates will meet to compare critical issues and solutions on the issue of the right to health.
From the survey commissioned by FederAnziani to the Piepoli Institute and carried out using the Cati system on a sample of 1,028 patients and 1,024 doctors divided between the North, Center and South, it emerged that only 37% of the patients believe their personal right to health is "very" or "fairly" protected, while 61% consider it protected little or not at all.
Of the opposite opinion are the doctors who, in 66% of the cases, affirm that the patients are very or fairly protected. On the other hand, one in three white coats believes that patients are poorly protected in terms of their right to health.(…)
In relation to drugs and the decree on the "spending review", which requires doctors to prescribe the active ingredient, two thirds of white coats and two thirds of citizens have spoken out against letting the pharmacist decide the choice of drug to be taken by the patient. In fact, the 48% of the doctors is said not to agree with the standard at all, the 16% does not agree at all; among the patients, 43% in the sample strongly disagrees and 22% does not agree.
The survey also shows that of the white coats contrary to the standard, 37% does not agree with it because it does not allow knowing what is being delivered to the patient, 25% opposes it because he believes it conditions the doctor's profession, 12% because he does not consider it suitable for the patient, 4% because he feels mortified by it.
Finally, 78% of the patients interviewed stated, without any hesitation, that in the last two years the provision of social and health services has worsened, while only 14% believed it had improved in the same period of time.
78% of citizens who reject the NHS without appeal see the decrease in economic resources as causes of the worsening of the social and health offer in 62% of cases. The 21% attributes the worsening to regulations and decrees, the 16% to shortages and obsolescence of healthcare equipment, the 9% to the role of unwritten advice/orders given to doctors' superiors, the 7% to uses and customs.
"The cross-section that emerged from the survey - declares the president of FederAnziani, Roberto Messina regarding the results - effectively reflects the widespread feelings among citizens and doctors regarding the problems of our National Health Service, which is why this congress wants to get the various players in the sector to talk to each other again, with the aim of defining solutions aimed at protecting the citizen. Finally - concludes the President - we hope that the solutions that will come out of the congressional commissions can be successfully approved by the delegates so that the sector as a whole can mend the tear that has worn out».