The initiative for the meeting was taken by the minister after the Federation's request to start a discussion table. The dialogue was opened by the president of Federfarma, Giorgio Siri, who in a note explained the proposals of the pharmacists for the establishment of a permanent discussion table with the Minister of Health, and possibly with the Regions, with the aim to identify measures to strengthen the role of pharmacies within the national health service through the forthcoming signing of the pharmaceutical agreement. And again: to guarantee support to small pharmacies that may be put in difficulty by the new regulations and to evaluate the impact of the provisions contained in the Bersani decree law.
Prior to the deal, the government had announced its intention to take action against wildcat strikes by pharmacy owners. The lockout of pharmacists "obliges the government to evaluate measures to ensure citizens the right to health" declared Enrico Letta, undersecretary to the Prime Minister, at the end of the CDM.
Inconvenience today in Rome due to the demonstration. The center of the capital was blocked by the procession of representatives of various professional orders, including the owners of pharmacies, for the first time all together against the Bersani decree which provides for the liberalization of their sectors.
Moments of tension arose when the demonstrators found themselves in front of a small garrison of representatives of Agi and Slc-Cgil, cinema and entertainment workers engaged in a protest sit-in in front of the headquarters of the Province of Rome. A group of pharmacists began to rail against the demonstrators, which led to a scuffle between 4 members of Agi (Italian generics association) and CGIL and a large group of pharmacists. Among the shoving and insults, the president of Agi Angelo Ciaiola was hit in the side by some pharmacists. Ciaiola defended himself by insulting the attackers and calling them 'fascists'.
But not all professionals share Federfarma's protest. The National Free Pharmacists Movement organized today in Rome, near the Ministry of Economic Development, a 'counter-current' demonstration in favor of the Bersani decree to express its position in support of the liberalization of the sale of over-the-counter medicines.
Meanwhile, the Italian Medicines Agency (Aifa) has given the go-ahead for the marketing of 27 medicinal products.
In addition, the first lawsuit for compensation against the pharmacy strike is underway. In fact, Codacons will give legal assistance to a woman from Rome who, due to the protests of pharmacists, risked serious damage to her health. The 59-year-old lady underwent two heart surgeries in the past few weeks at the Gemelli and San Camillo hospitals, for whose treatment she requires a drug to be taken regularly.
"We will ask the organization of pharmacists - Carlo Rienzi, President of Codacons, informs us - for 500,000 euros in compensation, before the Civil Court of Rome, for the health risks incurred by women through a strike that the Guarantee Commission itself has defined
Prior to the deal, the government had announced its intention to take action against wildcat strikes by pharmacy owners. The lockout of pharmacists "obliges the government to evaluate measures to ensure citizens the right to health" declared Enrico Letta, undersecretary to the Prime Minister, at the end of the CDM.
Inconvenience today in Rome due to the demonstration. The center of the capital was blocked by the procession of representatives of various professional orders, including the owners of pharmacies, for the first time all together against the Bersani decree which provides for the liberalization of their sectors.
Moments of tension arose when the demonstrators found themselves in front of a small garrison of representatives of Agi and Slc-Cgil, cinema and entertainment workers engaged in a protest sit-in in front of the headquarters of the Province of Rome. A group of pharmacists began to rail against the demonstrators, which led to a scuffle between 4 members of Agi (Italian generics association) and CGIL and a large group of pharmacists. Among the shoving and insults, the president of Agi Angelo Ciaiola was hit in the side by some pharmacists. Ciaiola defended himself by insulting the attackers and calling them 'fascists'.
But not all professionals share Federfarma's protest. The National Free Pharmacists Movement organized today in Rome, near the Ministry of Economic Development, a 'counter-current' demonstration in favor of the Bersani decree to express its position in support of the liberalization of the sale of over-the-counter medicines.
Meanwhile, the Italian Medicines Agency (Aifa) has given the go-ahead for the marketing of 27 medicinal products.
In addition, the first lawsuit for compensation against the pharmacy strike is underway. In fact, Codacons will give legal assistance to a woman from Rome who, due to the protests of pharmacists, risked serious damage to her health. The 59-year-old lady underwent two heart surgeries in the past few weeks at the Gemelli and San Camillo hospitals, for whose treatment she requires a drug to be taken regularly.
"We will ask the organization of pharmacists - Carlo Rienzi, President of Codacons, informs us - for 500,000 euros in compensation, before the Civil Court of Rome, for the health risks incurred by women through a strike that the Guarantee Commission itself has defined