Rome, August 8. (Adnkronos Salute)- "Superficiality and improvisation". The Federation of General Practitioners (Fimmg) uses these words to reject the agenda approved yesterday in the Chamber, which commits the Government to take action to provide for the limitation of prescribing to a single piece per prescription. "A measure which – according to Fimmg – far from being able to lead to savings in pharmaceutical spending, would lead to higher costs for the NHS and for citizens. Just think of the fact that each watermarked paper prescription costs the State about one euro and that citizens will have to multiply the social costs for access to the drug. This also leads to a reduction in adherence to therapies, especially in the chronically ill". illo, national secretary of Fimmg – it would have been sufficient to investigate the merits of Lazio's experience which proved unsuccessful, so much so that it was quickly withdrawn". And Pier Luigi Bartoletti, regional secretary of Fimmg Lazio increases: "it would have been enough to ask for the documentation of the documents of the time to see that this limitation of the prescription was hastily withdrawn amidst protests after only 30 days of its entry into force on the grounds that this provision had produced inconvenience to citizens, doctors and pharmacists (government resolution of 28/3/2002 n.389 in the annex). At the time we defined the provision as the 'instalment' of therapy, and the then Regional Council recognized the error. We would have expected everything except to revise it proposed at a national level after 10 years".