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Fnomceo: increasingly "old" and "technical" specialties

Increasingly sectoral specialties, strong generational turnover and an increasing number of female specialists. These, in brief, are the main data that emerge from the analysis of the Fnomceo Study Center on specialist doctors, recently published in the Federation's periodical "La Professione". According to the survey, conducted on data from the last ten years, most of the specialists (more than 50%) are aged between 54 and 64 and 23% is "over 65". More than half of the younger doctors, i.e. those under the age of 54, would then concentrate in five specialties: Clinical biochemistry (63%), maxillofacial surgery (61.2%), medical genetics (58.2%), cardiac surgery ( 54,7%), Plastic and reconstructive surgery (50,4%). "Recently activated and very sectoral specialties" specifies the survey "which reflect the passage of the last twenty years from the macro-invasive to the minimally invasive approach".
Furthermore, Fnomceo notes that there are two specialty categories that have increased over the past twelve years. First of all Radiotherapy: out of 1,610 specialists, 1,012 would be "over 69" and for this reason the increase in new specialists in the last twelve years has reached 36.42%. The second category is that of medical genetics and maxillofacial surgery, emblem of the new specializations. Since 2000, the first has increased by 17.54%, with the majority of doctors concentrated in the younger brackets; that of the second, in which professionals over 64 years of age are almost completely absent (26 doctors out of 675), is equal to 14.33%.
Among the disciplines most "in crisis" we find Odontostomatology - however replaced in the Universities by Dentistry -, Pneumology (-8.87% in the last decade), Gastroenterology (-6.84%) and Pediatrics (-5.95%) .
Finally, pink coats are growing in all specialties. There is even a boom in Anesthesia and Intensive Care (1,131 more from 2000 to 2012), Psychiatry (783), Radiodiagnostics (780), Internal Medicine 561.

December 12, 2012 – DoctorNews


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