Historical Archive

France, alarm over furosémide is back on the market

The French regulatory agency (Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé – Ansm) has authorized the pharmaceutical company Teva to put Furosemide 40 mg tablets back on the market, withdrawn and suspended as a precaution a few months ago. The diuretic should be available again in pharmacies starting next Friday, September 6th. "The batches of the drug that will be placed on the market are batches that have never been distributed before and that had not been the subject of the recall measure" specified the manufacturer, even if no packaging errors were found in the boxes examined. Following the alarm related to the death of a man, in fact, the company had proceeded to unpack, under the supervision of a bailiff, and examine almost 350,000 tablets, which were later found to be compliant. Upon completion of the investigation on June 28, the Paris prosecutor's office dismissed the disputed case, deeming the most likely cause to be due to human error.

September 3, 2013 – Pharmacist33

Related news: https://www.fedaiisf.it/Start/HDefault.aspx?Newsid=7970





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