On 16 December last in the welcoming room of a delightful agritourism in Capitanata and in a familiar and festive context of a pre-Christmas dinner, the ISFs of the Foggia section of the AIISF/Un.ISF met to deliver a plaque to their colleague Alberto Mangano, author of the book "I didn't flee from Foggia" for its cultural commitment. The Capitanata section wanted to establish this recognition (hopefully it will become a fixed appointment) continuing in the path traced for some time which sets among the many objectives in support and defense of the category also the non-secondary one of cementing relations between the ISFs to make it a increasingly united group, but above all to highlight that the ISF are not only those soulless soldiers with bags in hand and bowed heads who run all day on company orders, stressed and blackmailed by the results of their professional commitment, but that among them there are many men and women who silently dedicate part of their time to social affairs, culture, sport, art, politics, etc. with seriousness and ability, qualities that if they were put in a position to express themselves also in the defense of the rights of the category could lead to unexpected results.
Writing a book is not for everyone, but this time the author is a DRUG SCIENTIFIC INFORMER …
Antonio Lattanzio (President of the Foggia Section)
Dear Antonio,
I reply late (I think I'm not guilty, given the many things to do urgently) to your report regarding the publication of my colleague Alberto Mangano's book, "I haven't fled from Foggia".
I wish to express my deep appreciation to Alberto for his laudable initiative.
In a period in which people return too frequently from the south to leave for other shores, hoping for a better future, I consider your testimony of a commitment to one's own land truly important.
Continuing to spend oneself to enhance the qualities of one's territory, beyond the localistic exasperations we are forced to witness on television, represents a considerable merit. Particularly in a moment like the present one, in which the easiest way is often the preferred one.
And it is certainly more difficult to try to make an effort to make things change.