The pharmacists say enough to aggression, to patched up reforms and armored decrees and ask to be "acquitted of the unjust and unbearable accusation of being a brake on development". Annarosa Racca, president of Federfarma, at the opening of the meeting "The questions of the pharmacy, the answers of politics" held yesterday in Rome, to interpret the "fatigue" of the many pharmacists gathered at the Capranica Theater. A meeting with which the Owners' Association asked politics! to "stipulate a pact for the next legislature" that gives certainties to a category tired of always being at the center of government attention. A large representation of politicians who followed one another on stage and took part in the subsequent round table and formulated their proposals in an electoral campaign climate: Angelino Alfano (PDL), Renato Balduzzi (Civic choice), Maximus Corsair (Brothers of Italy) Stephen Fassina (PD), Massimo Garavaglia (North league), Maurice Gasparri (PDL), Oscar Giannino (Act to stop the decline), Antonio Ingroia (Civil Revolution), Donata Lenzi (Pd) and finally Clare Moroni (fli). The most applauded was the representative of the PDL, Angelino Alfano, who underlined how "if the left wins it will asphalt the pharmacists". Alfano also spoke of "a monomaniac syndrome for pharmacies", accusing the Monti government's repeated blitzes of being an expression of "social hatred". The task for Minister Balduzzi was less simple, being called into question directly and repeatedly booed. Balduzzi denied the existence of blitzes and monomaniacal syndrome, but on the contrary spoke of an attempt "to give breathing space to the system that is perhaps a little too rigid". Fassina for his part, representing a declared "enemy" of the pharmacy like Bersani, explained, also submerged by boos, that the "model" of the Democratic Party "is not that of the multinational employee pharmacist" and promised to be "ready to dialogue which is the best method of government". The premises, judging by the reactions in the room, don't seem the best. (MM)
February 7, 2013 – DoctorNews33
Alfano to the pharmacies, if the left wins it will 'pave' you
The PDL secretary with strong words gets the applause of the Federfarma audience
"If the left wins, it will 'surface' you. The