"A necessary step". The president of Farmindustria Sergio Dompè thus defines the request made by the Regions for an extension for 2010 of the discount on pharmaceuticals. The Regions could do nothing else, he explained today during a meeting in Assolombarda in Milan, "after the lowering of the expenditure ceiling that was established by the State". With great realism, he continues, "I hope that all this helps to demonstrate the constructive spirit of the pharmaceutical industries", for which a pay-back mechanism is envisaged in the event of exceeding the ceilings by the Regions, "and also the willingness to participate in the sacrifices". It is evident, he observes, "that if these sacrifices are placed on the shoulders of those who have managed to save, instead of hitting those who have spent the most, it is difficult to be able to justify other punitive measures against the sector to international and Italian companies that are making internationalization efforts. In fact, they could be interpreted in this way". According to Dompè, it is "useless to deny that we have a problem of bad spending and excessive spending by some Regions. And we need to focus on those who spend the most and badly, not again on the pharmaceutical industry".
Pharmacist33 – 2 December 2009 – Year 5, Number 207