Editor's note: we receive and gladly publish
The X Productive Activities commission of the Chamber, on 19 December 2012, definitively approved the law that regulates the associations of non-organized professions with orders or colleges, becoming the protagonist of an important page in the history of the Italian professions. This law, which revolutionizes the entire system by making it more modern, effective and competitive, guarantees users the quality of professional services of members of the associations and full recognition of the over 3 million professionals who for years have asked our policy to be listened to and to see their work legitimized by the State.
It took a while but we finally did it! No more second-class professionals, no more mini-orders, no more squatters, no more undefined contractors. From today, we are, by force of law, ASSOCIATIVE PROFESSIONALS: archaeologists, librarians, translators, managers, management consultants, communicators, pedagogists, counselors, tax experts, security experts, condominium administrators, psychomotor therapists, music therapists, experts in bio-natural disciplines and many many other professionals of the knowledge era who today see their role and function legally recognized within the economic and social system. The dual system of professions is finally legitimized and the state recognizes both orders and professional associations, entrusting the latter, organizations of a private nature and voluntary membership, without any constraint of exclusive representation, with the task of enhancing the skills of the professionals registered in them, through the issue of a certificate of professional qualification which facilitates the choice and protection of the citizen/user.
Our personal and heartfelt thanks go to the work carried out throughout this legislature by the parliamentarians involved who, with seriousness and competence, have defended this law to the last minute from attacks by the powerful lobby of professional associations and from the numerous attempts made to bring it down.
From tomorrow it will be necessary to start imagining a new CoLAP. With this law, in fact, the associations become the most important bodies for the protection of users and consequently it is necessary to aim at the dissemination of increasingly high quality standards.