The doctor's update in relation to the knowledge of medicinal products for human use produced by pharmaceutical companies is guaranteed, in large part, through the interview with the scientific rep who, therefore, has a co-responsibility with the doctor, in the prescription of drugs. From this premise, it is easy to understand how essential for the protection of public health is correct information and continuous updating of those in charge of prescribing medicines, by trained operators, also capable of providing indications and suggestions to guarantee the improvement of the use of medicines.
Scientific information on drugs acquires particular greater importance when it is framed in its aim of providing every element on the therapeutic and side effects of medicinal specialties as well as illustrating their characteristics and properties.
Furthermore, it becomes particularly important to respect the indications and appropriate dosages that a qualified scientific representative on the drug must periodically make known to all health professionals. The role of scientific representatives in the knowledge and use of the drug is therefore important and delicate and must be performed with full professional dignity to guarantee a real process of moralization in the field of drug trade aimed at enhancing the scientific aspect of the pharmaceutical product itself.
Silvana Paratore. From "L'Informatore": periodical of the AIISF Section of Messina - N° 000