Historical Archive

The phone call

The spread of the Internet and spaces dedicated to health has multiplied the opportunities to get in touch with the doctor. But in what spirit? Answers Daniele Bracchetti, cardiologist of the Bolognese university, collaborator of "Salute" and "Medico on Line" on the Cup 2000-Bologna site.
"At the origin there is one of the basic problems of modern medicine: the poor communication with the patient and certain limits of the doctor-patient relationship".
Reader questions?
"They make very specific requests, they have already had heart problems and they are looking for confirmation of their doubts".
What emerges from the questions?
"Among the most frequent, hypertension and coronary heart disease. Arrhythmias are about half: the greater frequency depends on the diffusion, but also on the discomfort caused by irregular heartbeats and fear".
The role of the doctor?
"The uncertainty of the clinical significance of the event also on the part of the attending physician plays on many questions".
Web user?
"Young people who don't go to the doctor who think of surrogacy with general questions, often on trivial problems".
An advice?
"Never forget that "good medicine" includes anamnesis - clinical history and symptoms - and that the physical examination is done with a visit to the doctor".
By Daniele Diena "Health of the Republic"

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