"Spend Less Money on Sales & Marketing"
In a video interview with the Wall Street Journal, Joseph Jimenez, CEO of Novartis, he has declared: "The industry needs to spend more in R&D it's less on sales and marketing. In the lasts two decades, much of the value creation has come from sales and marketing muscles for new drugs. And now There are probably less investments by some companies For ensure that there will be a continuous stream of innovation.
I modified the image of the famous "Welsh Wankers" to illustrate the analogy of the "muscle" suggested by Jimenez. The arm St & M" of the "Pharma Wankers" represents the excessive expenses for sales and marketing, while the "R&D arm " represents the underutilization of research and development.
"Wankers," it is a term pejorative of British origin. Initially named "one masturbating", but it has since become a insult general And commonly it means waste time or, in this case, lose money.
Second the data Of Cegedim Strategic, Novartis is in the top 10 (Perhaps fourth or fifth) for direct-to-consumer spending (DTC) – Not a shabby one "Pharma Wankers" as regards the sales and marketing of the muscle That it goes. The graph The following shows the top 10 companies that spend directly on the consumer among July 2011 e