Historical Archive

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. The hypocrisy of pharmaceutical companies

Dear colleagues, friends and readers of this site, here I am to talk about a particular topic. The Hypocrisy of the Pharmaceutical Industry. The opportunity to talk about this topic comes from reading an article that appeared in La Repubblica on 17 December 2012 entitled "Austerity in Rai: no Christmas presents ".


Many will wonder what this article has to do with the pharmaceutical sector. Apparently it seems nothing, in fact many companies, while trumpeting from the rooftops that the pharmaceutical sector is in crisis, actually behave as if this alleged crisis did not concern them at all.


"The general context – wrote Gubitosi (director general of RAI) – does not allow expenses to be incurred for gifts, presents or benefits". This means that exceptional situations will have to be authorized by the general management. Small gifts and promotional objects will be tolerated, but if the value of the gift exceeds 150 euros, it must be reported and the proceeds will be used for charitable or social purposes.


We are talking about a large company that intends with this clear message to indicate that in

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