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Liberalizations, new Pd sheets on professions, energy, banks, medicines, motor liability

The package of amendments that the Democratic Party presented to the Senate on the maneuver to relaunch liberalizations could be called Sheets n.2 – "All amendments - explains Antonio Lirosi, former Mister Prices and creator of sheet n.1 with Bersani - with immediate effect and at no cost" on banks, energy, professions, medicines.


"Our proposals produce immediate effects, while what is contained in the text presented by the majority is limited to eliminating small restrictions". Antonio Lirosi, former Mr. Prices and creator, when Bersani was Minister of Industry, of Sheets No. 1, thus explains the package of amendments that the Pd presented to the Senate on the maneuver to relaunch liberalisations. According to the fault of the majority it is that of having launched a new maneuver “exclusively because forced by the calls of the ECB. The result is a confused text, in which neither the scope of implementation nor the timing of the application are clear. For example, on the reform of the professions it is limited to a one-year postponement. The effects are null, they do not touch anyone and, not surprisingly, no protest has been raised". On the contrary, "the amendments presented by the Democratic Party have been studied with the aim of determining immediate effects and at no cost, in order to protect the purchasing power of consumers and stimulate investments to obtain a real recovery in growth and domestic demand".

Below are the proposals contained in the various amendments.

PROFESSIONS: -The goal is to modify and modernize the structure of the Orders to raise the level of competition. The Democratic Party proposes a reduction of the professional registers "also by merging those already provided for by current legislation". Internships and internships must have a limited and shorter duration than the current one and a minimum remuneration established by law. Finally, it is requested that intellectual professions be equated with the service sector and that unregulated professions be recognized

DRUGS: -According to the Democratic Party, parapharmacies and large-scale distribution corners, around 3,300 points of sale throughout the country, must be given the possibility of selling class C drugs. These are non-life-saving medicines, useful for treating minor pathologies, entirely at the buyer's expense and therefore not covered by the National Health Service. Another proposal put forward by Bersani's party consists in giving shop owners the right to keep them open beyond the hours established by the regulations in order to lower costs and make the service more accessible.

FUELS AND ENERGY: The amendment requests that the managers of the various retail fuel points of sale "may freely obtain supplies from any manufacturer or reseller". Furthermore, the spin-off of Snam rete Gas is expected

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