In the management of the Italian health care, it was above all women who left their mark, often by tackling thorny and not easily resolved issues. The first was Tina Anselmi. that he was among the signatories of the law that created (1978) the National Health Service; then it was the turn of Maria Pia Garavaglia, who took over the management of the post-pharmacopolis; then Rosy Bindi arrived with regionalization, corporatization and yet another health reform: her ministerial mandate, thanks to her strong character which earned her the title of "Iron Lady", was not free from political controversies and strong positions contrary to innovations by the medical unions. Now, the fourth lady has arrived on the Lungotevere Ripa seat, Livia Turco, 51 years old, diessina and former minister of Equal Opportunities in the past Prodi, D'Alema and Amato governments. There are many knots that he will have to untie and, probably, few envy his job. The NHS, also recognized as a valid model of assistance by the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), is floundering due to a lack of funding, so much so that the Italian public health situation is close to a breaking point. In addition, the regional devolution has removed powers from the central government in favor of the decisions of the individual regions. Furthermore, many contracts in the sector are awaiting renewal and at the local level, thanks to early dehospitalisations, there is a lack of adequate structures. Livia Turco received suggestions and best wishes for her work from everywhere. He certainly needs it.