Historical Archive

Luca Pani, general director of Aifa: "Why we failed on Stamina"


application/pdf iconLuca Pani, general director of Aifa: "Why we failed on Stamina" 

The number 1 of the Italian Medicines Agency tells Wired exclusively about the fragility of institutions in the face of Vannoni's method

Published June 13, 2014 – WIRED

by Luca Pani, Director General of the Italian Medicines Agency (Aifa)

Sometimes, different days in a man's life happen. For me the latest was when I learned that a three and a half year old had received an injection of the so-called Stamina method, in his back, with a needle which, due to its size and the absence of anesthesia, certainly hurt him. I felt then that I failed. I am doctor for almost thirty years and I have lent a sacred oath, identical for 25 centuries, which commits us to defend the human life, of everyone, not just that of those in front of us. I don't know the patient in this case, I've never seen him in person and yet, as would happen to any other colleague of mine, I felt responsible for him. Even if his family doesn't even want him to mention it.

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