Historical Archive

Maria Rita and Sigma-Tau: "I am a manager and the dismissal with immediate effect"



by Debora Malaponti

 Maria Rita L. will not forget that November 15th very easily. Of course, he had been waiting for that call for some time, being already of retirement age. Everything and nothing was in the air until the phone rang. 2.00 pm: summons to the Human Resources Office.

 With her heart in her throat, the woman walks the corridors of the company where she worked for 38 years as a manager in the Research & Development area. Waiting for her, the Director of HR and he, the "Headcutter", as the workers of the Sigma-Tau Industrie Farmaceutiche Riunite of Pomezia have renamed him, an external consultant expert in company mobility and layoffs who, only a few months ago, redone the characteristics at the Birds Eye Igloo, Findus group, in Cisterna di Latina.

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