The executive committee of Filctem has expressed a "negative opinion" on the outcome of the negotiations for the renewal of the contract of chemical and pharmaceutical workers. The agreement was reached on 22 September by the secretariat together with the other unions and business associations. On 24 September, however, the Board unanimously voted, with 9 abstentions, for a document in which "highlights the clear distance between the contents of the document voted by the National Board on 8 November 2011 and the signed text".
The directive of the trade union "deems certain substantial changes to the agreed text essential and commits the Secretariat to their implementation".
"On the merits of the points listed below - reads the document - the Steering Committee expresses a negative opinion on the outcome of the negotiations and requests a significant change:
– derogation from the CCNL: the subjects that can be delegated to second-level bargaining as referred to in the agreement of 28 June must be clearly indicated, without prejudice to the uniqueness of the CCNL and at the same time the new rules for the RSUs must be defined between the parties.